Scheme was part of the 'Salmon for tomorrow fish passage' works and consisted of refurbishing the existing Brynmenyn Weir.
McCarthy's Role
Main contractor on site carrying out/completing all physical works as per the construction details: -
- Install anti siltation measure's downstream of the proposed works
- Construct rip rap causeway in river to access weir
- Divert river on to one half of its width, this was achieved through the use of 1 tonne sand bags, polythene and precast concrete road barriers. The arrangement would require to be switched over when one half of the weir was completed
- Scabble down the existing concrete weir structure, to provide enough depth for the new arrangement to be cast on top
- Remove existing weir plate and affix new plate
- Complete all mesh and bent bar reinforcement including dowelling
- Erect formwork and pour concrete to profiles and levels as required
- Install Eel pass to outskirts of weir against existing sheet piles